A not bad day.

I know that U despise me but it’s the price I have 2 pay. If we do it again, hope U …. me more. It makes me feel that I am not too repulsive, although I am 🙂

Feel empty about life…

One Response

  1. Miu
    22:39 25-01-2006
    thui, hum nao mm fai ra brodard mua kem dua hau en, them, chac chac, tui nghiep cha’u of mm ghe, them ma fai o mel nen k en dc

    19:13 22-01-2006
    Kem dua hau ban o Brodard tren dduong Nguyen Thiep ddo kon iu, kon tuot ben ddo lam sao ru? Ko le bo? 1000 USD mua ve may bay ddon con dzia cho con en cay kem 4000 VND >.< thoailien 06:11 22-01-2006 Kem dua hau o dau ban dzo ^^ kon chua nghe wa lan nao 1 ba` 1 mama di en kem ma hong ru 1 kon, ghet bo xi` >< CAO BẢO VY 00:13 22-01-2006 Thx mm! 😀 Kon cu~ng ddang the`m dda^y 🙁 Miu 23:59 21-01-2006 Mm mun en kem dua hau 🙁 Miu 23:58 21-01-2006 Kon mun chen hinh thi lam the nay nha "compose entry --->click vao view HTML source —> paste ” (height & width con cho tuy theo y thich of con, o day mm vd la 50) .Sau do post binh thuong la okie

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